Should I Delete Instagram? Benefits & Disadvantages

Instagram is one of the most popular platforms, but let’s face it—sometimes it feels like a never-ending rabbit hole of reels, selfies, and ads that leave you drained. So, should you delete Instagram? It’s a question more and more people are asking.

Let’s dive into the reasons why deleting Instagram might be a good idea and when it makes more sense to keep it with a few changes to how you use it.

What Are the Signs You Should Delete Instagram?

Sometimes, Instagram can take a toll on your mental health and productivity. If you notice any of these signs, it might be time to rethink your relationship with the app:

  • You feel anxious or jealous when scrolling through other people’s highlight reels.
  • You’re wasting hours watching mindless content and it’s affecting your real-life responsibilities.
  • You constantly compare yourself to influencers, which leads to negative self-esteem.
  • You feel addicted to checking notifications, likes, and comments.
  • You aren’t using Instagram to learn, grow, or engage in meaningful content—just killing time.

How Much Time Do You Spend on Instagram?

Before you decide to hit the delete button, take a minute to evaluate how much time you’re actually spending on the app.

Check Your Daily Screen Time

Every phone has a feature that tracks your daily usage for each app. Here’s how you can check it:

  • On iPhone: Go to Settings > Screen Time > See All Activity.
  • On Android: Go to Settings > Digital Wellbeing > Dashboard.

Shocking, right? You probably didn’t realize how much time is flying by as you scroll through Instagram.

Set a Time Limit on Instagram

If you’re spending more than 1 hour a day on Instagram, it’s time to set a limit. You can do this directly in the app:

  1. Open Instagram.
  2. Go to your profile, then click on the three lines in the top-right corner.
  3. Tap on Your activity and then Time Spent.
  4. Set a daily reminder to limit your usage to a certain number of minutes.

It’s an easy way to stay mindful about how much time you’re investing in the app!

What If You Used Instagram for Positive Growth?

The key to answering the question “Should I delete Instagram?” could lie in how you use it. If you’re spending hours watching random, mindless content, maybe deleting the app is a good option. But what if you could use it for your own personal growth or business?

Follow Motivational and Business Content

Instagram isn’t all bad! There are loads of accounts focused on:

  • Motivation: Daily quotes and life tips that can uplift your mood and mindset.
  • Entrepreneurship: Follow successful people and learn about their business strategies.
  • Learning New Skills: There are so many educational accounts offering free tips on digital marketing, fitness, mental health, and more.

By curating your feed to show content that aligns with your goals, you can make Instagram work for you instead of letting it waste your time.

How to Use Instagram Positively ?

The endless stream of random reels and stories can suck you in, but with a few tweaks, you can turn Instagram into a more productive space.

1. Follow Content That Inspires You

  • Start following accounts that bring you motivation or business insights. There are entrepreneurs, fitness trainers, and motivational speakers sharing valuable advice.

2. Unfollow or Mute Unproductive Accounts

  • If your feed is cluttered with accounts that don’t add value, unfollow or mute them. You don’t need to delete friends, just mute their content if it doesn’t serve you.

3. Limit Reels Consumption

  • It’s easy to get lost in reels, but ask yourself: “Is this content helping me?” If not, limit how much time you spend scrolling through them.

4. Schedule Instagram Time

  • Schedule time in your day for Instagram, like 15 minutes in the morning or 20 minutes in the evening. This helps you stay focused and prevents the endless scroll.

What Are the Benefits of Deleting Instagram?

If you’re ready to let go of Instagram completely, there are definite benefits to taking the plunge.

  • More mental clarity: Without the constant barrage of images and updates, your mind can feel clearer.
  • Less comparison: Deleting Instagram removes the temptation to compare your life to someone else’s curated version of theirs.
  • Time for other activities: You’d be amazed at how much time you’ll free up for hobbies, reading, or spending time with loved ones.

Should You Delete Instagram or Just Change Your Habits?

At the end of the day, the decision to delete Instagram is personal. If the app is negatively affecting your mental health, productivity, or relationships, it might be time to say goodbye. However, if you think you can change your habits and make better use of the platform, then try the following:

  • Limit your screen time: Set daily limits to avoid overuse.
  • Follow positive content: Curate your feed to include content that uplifts, inspires, and educates.
  • Unfollow negativity: Cut out accounts that lead to comparison or negativity.

Remember, Instagram doesn’t have to be a time-sucking distraction. With a few mindful changes, it can actually be a platform that supports your growth.


So, should you delete Instagram? It really depends on how you use it. If Instagram is stressing you out and draining your energy, a break (or a full delete) could do wonders. But if you think you can set healthy limits and use it more intentionally, Instagram could actually help you stay connected and motivated.

Take a moment to check your daily screen time, curate your feed, and set limits. Whether you decide to delete the app or make it work for you, the important thing is to stay in control of how it impacts your life.